Shoving square objects down round holes.

Quit writing a bazllion lines of code just to get your arrays and dictionaries in the right shape.

YOLOKit is lean. Every method is as minimal as it can be without being crap. Every new method is carefully considered before addition. Sometimes a method would make the overall goals of the framework worse, so we reject it.

YOLOKit is meanforgiving. We are writing iPhone apps, not space shuttle control modules. Heaven forbid you ask for the 4th item in an array that is empty: YOLO; let’s not crash.

YOLOKit is delightful. Every method is designed for you: a modern iOS developer. It’s designed for your platform. It’s designed to make your code delightful and your smile as wide as a thousand faces.

YOLOKit on GitHub

Importing YOLOKit

In your Podfile:

pod 'YOLOKit'

In your .m files:

#import "YOLO.h"

YOLOKit is entirely modular. So if you only want a couple of methods:

pod 'YOLOKit/map'
pod 'YOLOKit/skip'

Complete Method Index

The following documentation is literally taken from YOLO.h. Thus it is available in Xcode by ⌥ clicking the method.


Invokes the given block for each element in the receiver. Should the block return NO, the method immediately returns NO, ceasing enumeration. If all executions of the block return YES, all returns YES.

BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].all(^(id o){
    return [o intValue] > 0;
// rv => YES

BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].all(^(int d){
    return d < 3;
// rv => NO

Instead of a block, you can pass a Class object.

BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].all(NSNumber.class);
// rv => YES


BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].any(^(id o){
    return [o intValue] == 3;
// rv => YES

Instead of a block, you can pass a Class object.

BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].any(NSNumber.class);
// rv => YES


Chunks the receiver into a new array of chunk-size arrays.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].chunk(2)
// rv => @[@[@1, @2], @[@3, @4]]


Returns a new array that is the receiver with the given array concatenated to the end.

id rv = @[@1, @2].concat(@[@3, @4]);
// rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4]


Convert an array of key/value pairs into the logical dictionary.

id rv = @[@[@1, @2], @[@3, @4]].dict
// rv => @{@1: @2, @3: @4}

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].chunk(2).dict
// rv => @{@1: @2, @3: @4}

If you have a flat array you can call chunk(2) before dict. It was decided not to allow flat arrays to be immediately converted as it can lead to bugs when your array is not in the shape you expect, and those sorts of errors occur more commonly with tools like YOLOKit since we allow easy array flattening.


Calls the given block once for each element in the receiver, passing that element as the parameter.

@[@1, @2, @3, @4].each(^(id n){
    NSLog(@"%@", n);
// => 1\n2\n3\n4\n

each also supports two and three parameter versions:

@[@4, @3, @2, @1].each(^(id n, int ii){
    NSLog(@"%d:%@", ii, n);
// => 0:1\n1:2\n2:3\n3:4\n

@[@4, @3, @2, @1].each(^(id n, int ii, NSArray *array){

@[@4, @3, @2, @1].each(^(id n, NSNumber *index, NSArray *array){
    // and automagical conversion between int and NSNumber


Passes each entry in the array to the given block, returning the first element for which block is not NO. If no object matches, returns nil.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].find(^(id n){
    return [n isEqual:@3];
// rv => @3


Returns the first n elements of the receiver.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].first(2);
// rv => @[@1, @2]

PROTIP YOLOKit is forgiving; if the array doesn’t have enough elements, `first` returns as many as it can.


Returns a new, one-dimensional array that is a recursive flattening of the receiver.

id rv = @[@[@1, @[@2]], @3, @[@4]].flatten
// rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4]


Returns a new array with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in the receiver.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].flatMap(^(id n){
    return @[n, n];
// rv => @[@1, @1, @2, @2, @3, @3, @4, @4]

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].flatMap(^(id n){
    return @[n, @[n]];
// rv => @[@1, @[@1], @2, @[@2], @3, @[@3], @4, @[@4]]

PROTIP Useful over vanilla map followed by a flatten because flatten is recursive, and you may want to preserve array relationships beyond the first level. Also, `flatMap` is technically more efficient.


Groups the collection by result of the given block.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].groupBy(^(NSNumber *n) {
    return @(n.intValue % 2);
// rv => @{@0: @[@1, @3], @1: @[@2, @4]}


BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].has(@2)
// rv => YES

Short-hand for containsObject:. Provided because doing a map, then a select and a few more chained dot-notations are commonly followed with the need to then determine if a particular value is in the resulting array, and then having to square bracket the whole chain is ugly.

We decided not to override any or find with the capability to take an object rather than a block and instead add this method. Rest assured the decision was careful. In the end has() seemed the choice that resulted in the clearest code.

has was chosen over contains or includes because it is short and clear.


Returns the index of the given object in the receiver or NSNotFound if the object was not found.

uint rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].indexOf(@2);
// rv => 1

PROTIP `NSNotFound` has the value `NSIntegerMax` so you don’t need to directly check for it, you can instead check if the returned value is less than the count of the receiver.


Combines all elements of the receiver by applying a binary operation.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].inject(@{}, ^(NSMutableDictionary *memo, NSNumber *n){
    memo[n] = @(n.intValue * n.intValue);
    return memo;
// rv => @{@1: @1, @2: @4, @3: @9, @4: @16}

PROTIP If you feed `inject` a non-mutable dictionary or array YOLOKit mutates it for your block, and then finally returns a non-mutable copy.


Returns a string of all the receiver’s elements joined with the provided separator string.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].join(@",");
// rv => @"1,2,3,4"

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].join(@"");
// rv => @"1234"

PROTIP `-description` is called on all objects before joining them.


Returns the last n elements from receiver.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].last(2);
// rv => @[@5, @6]

PROTIP If there are insufficient elements in the array, YOLOKit returns as many as it can.


Invokes the given block once for each element of self. Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].map(^(NSNumber *n){
    return @(n.intValue * n.intValue);
// rv => @[@1, @4, @9, @16]

If the given block returns nil, that element is skipped in the returned array.

The given block can have up to three parameters, the first is an element in the array, the second that element’s index, and the third the array itself.

The second parameter can be a primitive (eg. int), or an NSNumber *:

@"YOLO".split(@"").map(^(NSString *letter, int index){


Returns the element for which the given block returns the largest integer.

id rv = @[@4, @2, @1, @3].max(^(NSNumber *n){
    return n.intValue;
// rv => @4

id rv = @[@4, @2, @1, @3].max(^(NSNumber *n){
    return (n.intValue - 3) * (n.intValue - 3);
// rv => @1

NOTE: currently you must return an integer, we plan to allow you to return whatever you like.


Returns the element for which the given block returns the smallest integer.

id rv = @[@4, @2, @1, @3].min(^(NSNumber *n){
    return n;
// rv => @1

NOTE: currently you must return an integer, we plan to allow you to return whatever you like.


BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].none(^(id o){
    return [o intValue] > 4;
// rv => YES

Instead of a block, you can pass a Class object.

BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].none(NSNumber.class);
// rv => NO


Partitions the receiver into two arrays based on the boolean return value of the given block.

id rv = @[@"A", @"B", @"AA"].partition(^(id s){
    return [s hasPrefix:@"A"];
//rv => @[@[@"A", @"AA"], @[@"B"]]


Returns a new array that is the result of calling the given method on each element in the receiver.

MKShape *rhombas = [MKShape new]; rhombas.title = @"rhombas";
MKShape *ellipse = [MKShape new]; ellipse.title = @"ellipse";
MKShape *hexagon = [MKShape new]; hexagon.title = @"hexagon";

id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].pluck(@"title")
// rv => @[@"rhombas", @"ellipse", @"hexagon"]

id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].pluck(@"title.uppercaseString")
// rv => @[@"RHOMBAS", @"ELLIPSE", @"HEXAGON"]

NOTE: This is a convenience function for the common case of mapping (-map) an array to the result of a method call on each element.


Map, but run in parallel. Obviously: be thread safe in your block. The call waits for all elements to be processed. Typically not worth using unless you have large arrays since the overhead of thread-synchronization may be greater than the parallel savings otherwise.


Reduces the receiver to a single value.

The usual example of reduce is to sum all values in an array.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].reduce(^(NSNumber *memo, NSNumber *obj){
    return @(memo.intValue + obj.intValue);
// rv => @10

Generally -inject is more useful. Though, when appropriate, reduce is more elegant.

// find the longest word
id longest = @[@"cat", @"sheep", @"bear"].reduce(^(NSString *memo, NSString *word){
    return memo.length > word.length ? memo : word;
// longest => @"sheep"

@param memo initialized to the first value in receiver, but on subsequent iterations is the value returned from the given block. @param obj the value for each element in the receiver, though never the first object.


Returns a new array containing all elements for which the given block returns NO.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].reject(^(NSNumber *n){
    return n.intValue % 2 == 0;
// rv => @[@1, @3]

Alternatively pass a Class object:

id rv = @[@1, @"1", @{}].reject(NSNumber.class)
// rv => @[@"1", @{}]


Returns a new array that is the receiver, reversed.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].reverse;
// rv => @[@4, @3, @2, @1]

NOTE: Did you know about array.reverseEnumerator.allObjects? We don’t use that in fact to save allocations, but you could do that on projects without YOLOKit.


Returns a new array rotated about the provided index.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].rotate(2);
// rv => @[@3, @4, @5, @6, @1, @2]

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].rotate(-2);
// rv => @[@5, @6, @1, @2, @3, @4]


Returns a random element from the receiver.


Returns a new array containing all elements for which the given block returns YES.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].select(^(NSNumber *n){
    return n.intValue % 2 == 0;
// rv => @[@2, @4]

Alternatively pass a Class object:

id rv = @[@1, @"1", @{}].select(NSString.class)
// rv => @[@"1"]

Convenient when searching for specifc subviews.


Though you may need an allSubviews pod.


Returns a new array that is shuffled.

NOTE: Uses the Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm.


Skips the first n elements and returns the rest of the array.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].skip(2);
// rv => @[@3, @4, @5, @6]


Returns a subarray consisting of the given number of elements from the given starting index.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].slice(2, 2));
// rv => @[@3, @4]

PROTIP Use slice instead of `first`, `last`, `skip` and `snip`… when you must. If you find yourself writing `array.slice(0, 4)` then consider `array.first(4)` instead: it’s more expressive, more explicit and shorter to boot.


Snips the end off the array. Returns the receiver without the last n elements.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].snip(2);
// rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4]


Returns the receiver, sorted.

id rv = @[@2, @1, @3, @5, @4].sort;
// rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5]

We even try to handle mixed object types:

id rv = @[@"20", @"1", @3, @5, @"4"].sort;
// rv => @[@"1", @3, @"4", @5, @"20"]

PROTIP Internally `sort` attempts to sort all objects using `-compare:` but if that fails, it calls `-description` on all objects and uses `-sortBy`.


Sorts all objects using the return value of the given block as the sorting criteria.

MKShape *rhombas = [MKShape new]; rhombas.title = @"rhombas";
MKShape *ellipse = [MKShape new]; ellipse.title = @"ellipse";
MKShape *hexagon = [MKShape new]; hexagon.title = @"hexagon";

id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].sortBy(^(id shape){
    return [shape title];
// rv => @[ellipse, hexagon, rhombas]

id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].sortBy(@"title")
// rv => @[ellipse, hexagon, rhombas]

id rv = @[
    @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @32},
    @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @31},
    @{@"name": @"bob", @"age": @54},
    @{@"name": @"zane", @"age": @1},
    @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @12}
].sortBy(^(id o){
    return @[o[@"name"], o[@"age"]];
// rv => @[
//     @{@"name": @"bob", @"age": @54},
//     @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @12},
//     @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @31},
//     @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @32},
//     @{@"name": @"zane", @"age": @1}
// ];

PROTIP You will need you to implement a compare: method for any custom objects you return.

PROTIP Returning an array from your block will sort the receiver so that the first object is the first sorting criteria, and the second object is the second sorting criteria, et cetera.


Assumes that the receiver is an array of arrays and transposes the rows and columns.

id rv = @[@[@1, @2, @3], @[@4, @5, @6]].transpose;
// rv => @[@[@1, @4], @[@2, @5], @[@3, @6]]

PROTIP `transpose` is surprisingly useful, if you think laterally about your problem.


Returns a new array by removing duplicate values in the receiver.

id rv = @[@1, @1, @2].uniq;
// rv => @[@1, @2]

PROTIP Order is preserved.

PROTIP Equality is determined via `-hash` and `-isEqual:`.


Returns a new array where objects in the given array are removed from the receiver.

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].without(@2);
// rv => @[@1, @3, @4, @5, @6]

id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].without(@[@2, @3]);
// rv => @[@1, @4, @5, @6]


Returns a new array of arrays of key, value pairs.

id rv = @{@3: @"c", @1: @"a", @4: @"d", @2: @"b"}.array
// rv = [@[@"3", @"c"], @[@1, @"a"], @[@4, @"d"], @[@2, @"b"]]
// NOTE array order is undefined

rv = rv.sort.transpose[1]
// rv = [@"a", @"b", @"c", @"d"]
// NOTE `rv.allValues.sort` would be more efficient


Returns a new, merged dictionary.

@param higherPriorityDictionary The dictionary to merge with the receiver. If any keys conflict, the values in this dictionary take precendence.

id rv = @{@1: @1, @2: @4}.extend(@{@1: @9, @10: @100});
// rv => @{@1: @9, @2: @4, @10: @100}


Returns the value associated with a given key.

id rv = @{@1: @1, @2: @4}.get(@2);
// rv => @4


Invokes the given block once for each key, value pair in the receiver. Returns an array containing the values returned by the block.

id rv = @{@1: @2, @2: @4, @3: @9}.map(^(id key, id obj){
    return @([key intValue] + [obj intValue]);

// rv = @[@3, @6, @12]
// NOTE `sort` called illustratively because dictionary order is undefined.


Returns a new dictionary consisting of the given keys.


Treats receiver like a stack and removes the last object, returning it.

NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new];
id rv = aa.push(@1).push(@2).push(@3).pop()
// rv => @3


Treats receiver like a stack and adds the given object to the end of the receiver.

NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new];
id rv = aa.push(@1).push(@2).push(@3)
// rv => @[@1, @2, @3]


Removes the receiver’s first object and returns it.

NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new];
id rv = aa.unshift(@1).unshift(@2).unshift(@3).shift();
// rv => @3


Inserts the given object at the front of receiver, moving all other objects in the receiver up one index.

NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new];
id rv = aa.unshift(@1).unshift(@2).unshift(@3);
// rv => @[@3, @2, @1]


Returns a new array of the strings in the receiver that are separated by the given separator.

id rv = @"1,2,3,4,5,6".split(@",");
// rv => @[@"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", @"5", @"6"]

If you ask to separate by @"" or nil you will get an array of the strings individual characters (as determined by -substringWithRange).

id rv = @"123456".split(@"");
// rv => @[@"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", @"5", @"6"]

first, last, skip, snip & slice

These methods are related and worth memorizing:

@[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5].first(2)		// [1,2]
@[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5].last(2)		// [4,5]
@[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5].skip(2)		// [3,4,5]
@[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5].snip(2)		// [1,2,3]
@[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5].slice(2, 2)	// [3,4]

Real World Examples

id chicago = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:41.905088 longitude:-87.670083];
id austin = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:30.2500 longitude:-97.7500];

[PPAPI GET:@"/campaigns" success:^(NSArray *got) {
    id closestCity = @[chicago, austin].min(^(id city) {
        return [locationManager.location distanceFromLocation:city];

    self.campaigns = got.groupBy(^(PPCampaign *campaign) {
        return @[chicago, austin].min(^(id city) {
            return [campaign.location distanceFromLocation:city];

Please, submit your own real world examples.



You can’t call a variable that represents a block if that variable is nil. This is markedly different to sending a message to nil: you get nil back: no crash. If it’s possible your initial object is nil you need to:

(campaigns ?: @[]).reject(^(PPCampaign *campaign){
    return campaign.locked;
}).pluck(@"venues").flatten.each(^(PPVenue *venue){
    [geofencer startMonitoringForRegion:venue.region];


if (campaigns) campaigns.reject(^(PPCampaign *campaign){
    return campaign.locked;
}).pluck(@"venues").flatten.each(^(PPVenue *venue){
    [geofencer startMonitoringForRegion:venue.region];


Xcode doesn’t complete YOLOKit well. In our experience this isn’t a problem. Once you’ve written a map, each, etc. a few times, you’ve got it down. Also remember that you never need to specify a return type for a YOLOKit block, YOLOKit tries to convert whatever you return to what makes sense.


There are many. Here’s the famous ones:


YOLO, use the code however you want.